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Author: Crystal85 Subject: Your City Canvas Prints for Interior Decor

Posts: 1
Registered: 08-21-2012

posted on 08-22-2012 at 03:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Your City Canvas Prints for Interior Decor

Your City Canvas Prints for Interior Decor

Promoting a travel agency is easy with all the marketing tools available. Use brochures or flyers to let people know about the exciting destinations that you offer. But you should also consider the interiors of your travel agency office. Use of posters with ads about your packaged vacation deals is great. Your interior decors could also serve as marketing tools. Display canvas photo prints with images of places and cities that are perfect for travel vacations. Instead of using photos of famous cities, you can use the lesser traveled but equally marvelous ones. You can also use destinations that are famous for newly-weds. Here are ideas that print photos on canvas:

Design Ideas for Your City Canvas Prints

* Use images of lesser known travel destinations such as the cities of Toulouse in France, Montevideo in Uruguay, Hamburg in Germany, Malaga in Spain or Stratford in England. By displaying photo canvas of these cities, you will help your clients discover new destinations. These places will be great diversions for those who are tired of tourist-packed areas such as London, Paris, Barcelona, Buenos Aires or Munich.

* It would be great to use images of cityscapes in different angles, time and date. For example, you can use images of a city in dusk, dawn and night time. Another great idea is to side-by-side display images of the same city from different years; i.e. photos of London circa ‘50s and circa ‘90s.

* It is always magnificent to look at images of great architectures such as museums, palaces, churches and monuments. You can highlight these sites by using images of them from each city. For example, you can use a landscape photo of Toulouse, France featuring the avenues that include the façade of The Carmelite Chapel, The Capitole, or The Georges Labit museum.

* There are cities that are situated right beside the beach. In this case, your canvas could have an image of the city shown at the background of a beautiful sunset at the beach. The city of Montevideo in Uruguay and Sydney in Australia are two examples.

There are many designs that you can use for your city canvas prints and the ideas above are just some of them. You can also innovate and create your own design. The good news is that you don't need to worry about the hassle of going to prints on canvas in a local shop. You can always opt for online printing to produce your prints. Make sure to look for the best and reliable one.
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